black ambient
Albums scraped2021-12-13T02:35:34.692Z
Last updated2022-01-14T11:06:49.505Z
Released at
9Burzum - Et hvitt lys over skogen1992
4Moëvöt - Abgzvoryathre1993-08
70Black Wailing - Through Eternal Winters1994-12-00
17Abruptum - In Umbra Malitiae Ambulabo, in Aeternum in Triumpho Tenebraum1994
25Moëvöt - Ézléýfbdréhtr Vépréùb Zùérfl Màzàgvàtre Érbbédréà1994
5Aäkon Këëtrëh - Dans La Forêt...1996
10Aäkon Këëtrëh - Dans La Foret1996
11Aäkon Këëtrëh - Dans La Forêt1996
64Vagézaryavtre - Tsaévarya Vagézaryavtre1996
98Summoning - Nightshade Forests1997-06-03
14Forest Silence - The 3rd Winter1997
39Aäkon Këëtrëh - The Dark Winter (Demo)1997
41Elffor - Into The Dark Forest1998-09-12
61Arthame - Fiendish Symphonies1998
62Black Pentecost - Funeral Winds in Paradise1998
28Munruthel - Oriana's Tales1999-10
36Udumbal - Ahi Budhnya1999
56Seelenblut - Angel's Suicide2000
68Ashen Light - Стары былины2000
84Burzum - Ragnarok: A New Beginning2000
37Darkness Enshroud - Totentanz2001-07
7Burzum - Anthology2002
21Burzum - Svarte dauen2003
48Burzum - Filosofem / Demo2003
83Spektr - Et Fugit Interea Fugit Irreparabile Tempus2004-04-04
50Ad Lustrum - Ater Nox2004-09-06
16Funerary Call - Beckoning At The Black2004
46Ересь - Левиафан2004
79Gormantatinus - Sersavina Decan, Anden Plaust2004
52Enemite - The Necrolatry2005-03
53Dark Ages - Twilight of Europe2005-05-27
3Lifelover - Promo 20052005-06
13Reverorum ib Malacht - What Do You Think of the Old God, We Call Him Judas?2005
26Reverorum ib Malacht - Likpredikan2006-02-13
80Soufferance - Demo2006-10-02
99Blut aus Nord - MoRT2006-10-23
76Vomit Orchestra - Antecrux2006-12-10
63Velvet Cacoon - Dextronaut2006-12
69Neuntöter der Plage - Breathe This Sickly Breath2006
57Sombre Présage - Intégrisme2007-03-19
91Breath of Chaos - They All Lay in Stone Houses2007-04-00
34Black Seas Of Infinity - AMRITA - The Quintessence2007-04-12
71Etheric Void - Threnodies Of Death Ritual Rites2007-06-00
58The True Werwolf - Endless Journeys2007-09-01
51Azuth - Mare Tenebrum2007-09-24
20Gnaw Their Tongues - Bubonic Burial Rites2007-11-26
8Frozenthia Depresis - Margot2007
23Life Toward Twilight - Blood2007
97Gnaw Their Tongues - Reeking Pained And Shuddering2007
90Keinzweiter - M2008-03-31
15This Is Past - Alice in Uglyland2008
24Dead Reptile Shrine - Isth Narai Ja2008
49Massenhinrichtung - Закон Зброі2008
66Trist - Tiefenrausch2009-04-03
18Xasthur - All Reflections Drained2009-04-21
60Gnaw Their Tongues - All the Dread Magnificence of Perversity2009-05-10
59Wojnar - When the Spirit of War Will Rise Above Me2009-09-28
100Gnaw Their Tongues - Kaolo2009-10-00
22Struluckt - When The Night Falls - Tribute to Burzum2009
75Njiqahdda - Nji2009
77Black Vomit - Jungle Death2009
65Gnaw Their Tongues - L'Arrivée de la Terne Mort Triomphante2010-01-01
67Akitsa - Au crépuscule de l'espérance2010-04-06
95Soufferance - Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the Mind2010-06-18
96Wolfuneral - Night's Symphonies2010-06-24
32Dark Ages - The Tractatus De Hereticis Et Sortilegiis2010-10-27
47Aderlating - Dood2010-10-30
55Nyogtha - Hymns To The Astral Planes...2010-12-12
27Deep-pression - Postmortem2011-01-19
94Soufferance - Forthcoming Travels (2nd)2011-08-00
82Black Vomit - Let It Come Down2011
74Funerary Call - Nightside Emanations2012-06-13
45Tervahäät - Kalmonsäe2012-10-10
93Mrtyu! - Witchfucker2012
43Dark Ages - Rabble, Whores, Usurers2013-05-23
38Kroda - Легенда2013-10-21
92Rajfajh - Cult of Cthulhu2013-10-26
42Darkspace - Dark Space III I2014-09-06
35Gnaw Their Tongues - Wir Essen Seelen In Der Nacht2014-11-01
86Gnaw Their Tongues - Collected Atrocities 2005-20082015-02-03
1Lil Ugly Mane - THIRD SIDE OF TAPE2015-04-29
72Black Earth - A Cryptic Howl of Morbid Truth2015-08-06
29Tumor Necrosis Factor - Morbus Bechterew2015
30Tumor Necrosis Factor - Inside2015
54Tumor Necrosis Factor - AurA2015
78Tumor Necrosis Factor - Epic2015
73Afsprengi Satans - Seiðgall2016-10-24
33Dodecahedron - Kwintessens2017-03-17
12Trepaneringsritualen - Kainskult2017-09-30
6Throane - Plus une main à mordre2017-10-20
85Evilnox - Songs From Twilight Kingdom2017
88Rivière de Corps - Sang et corne2018-05-16
87Talog - Vladavina Vampira2018-06-06
44Bliss Signal - Drift2018-08-10
31Bliss Signal - Bliss Signal2018-09-28
81MZ.412 - Svartmyrkr2019-02-08
2Moor Mother - Analog Fluids Of Sonic Black Holes2019-11-08
19Paysage d'Hiver - Im Wald2020-06-26
89Der Grauer Winter - Haus Am Hugel2021-03-03
40NOÊTA - Elm2021-04-23